Private office

Your private place to work

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Private office​

This offer is addressed to entrepreneurs who are looking for a place for themselves and their team. Thanks to the separate office space, you will be able to feel fully at ease and meet your objectives in a concentrated manner.



See how dedicated desks look in our prestigious developments.

Looking for such an office?

Check out our locations with private offices

Porozmawiajmy o Twoim biurze

Bartosz Mach
Bartosz Mach Leasing Manager Wrocław Umów rozmowę
Natalia Jaglińska
Natalia Jaglińska Leasing Manager – Kraków Umów rozmowę
Krzysztof Wilczak
Krzysztof Wilczak Umów rozmowę
Tomasz Zydorek
Tomasz Zydorek Leasing Manager – Gdańsk Umów rozmowę
Sylwia Wasilewska
Sylwia Wasilewska Leasing Manager – Katowice Umów rozmowę